Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Walmart and Porcelain in China (Email written by Nathan)

Tuesday 26Oct2010 started at 3:00 AM this morning.  Gwenn and I woke up to Jessa making soft vocalizations and growling noises in her crib.  She was also clapping her hands.  This is truly amazing since this was her first
morning away from the orphanage and in a strange place with a new family.

After breakfast we went to Wal-Mart here in Nanchang. We were given permission to visit the orphanage tomorrow without having to pay 1600 Yuan (about $250.00).  However, we still wanted to donate some much needed items during our visit.  The Orphanage director said they could use diapers, formula, and clothes.  So while at Wal-Mart we picked up these items.  Wal-Mart is located near the center of the city right next to the central Hero Park - a very large plaza style park with a Hero Monument in the center.
Outside of Wal-Mart

The Central Hero Park

 In the baby department

Wal-Mart is very busy and has a "market" feel about it.  It is also on several floors unlike the sprawl in America.  So, why travel all the way to China just to shop at Wal-Mart?  Not only was it close but our hotel but our guide said it was a great place to buy the requested baby items.
Michaella at Wal-Mart

Row of Porcelain shops
Once we were finished at Wal-Mart we headed over to some Porcelain shops suggested by our guide. Nanchang is the birthplace for Porcelain which goes back many centuries.  It continues to be a leading industry of Nanchang.  We saw many beautiful cups, tea sets, pots, plates, figurines, and about anything imaginable made out of Porcelain.  We picked up some gifts as momentos especially since this is Jessa's birthplace.


Jessa with family
 We returned to the hotel and spent the rest of the day just being together.  Jessa seems to like the outdoors even in a busy city.  She is very interested in what goes on around her.  She is uncommonly calm in the midst of lots of noise and lots and lots of people.

 During lunch we gave Jessa new food.  We gave Jessa a french fry and she loved it.  She also loved eating cucumbers, spegetti, and brocoli.  Later that day after dinner she ate two whole mandarin  oranges.  She has a very healthy appetite - unlike my boys.

We can't legally show Jessa's face on the internet.  So, we took a picture that would pass scrutiny.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a day! It is so exciting to see Jessa sitting with her new siblings! Congratulations!
