Thursday, October 21, 2010

They've Arrived!!

Due to technical difficulties Gwenn and Nathan are unable to post to Facebook or their blog from China at this point in time. I am making a post in their behalf to keep everyone updated of their adventures thus far. (Denise S.)
The whole crew arrived with only one throw up episode in their 16 hours of flight. Gwenn said that felt like a miracle! I concur.  I am sure most have read on the blog their itinerary but in case you haven’t this was how their day went yesterday. Their flight left SL around 2 pm on Oct 20th. They flew up over Washington and Oregon states, over the Pacific Ocean, over the Aleutian Islands and then down to Tokyo Japan. After a few hours lay-over in Japan they boarded a second flight that arrived in Beijing China at roughly 10:30 pm on Oct 21st. Yes, the 21st. Remember the time change and they flew over the International Date Line. They lost quite a few hours……they’ll find them on the way back!
They are staying in Beijing China currently, which is 14 hours ahead of our time here in Utah. They are up and getting ready for the day and the kids are having a great time! So far they have found out that Nathan’s cell phone won’t work there and neither will Gwenn’s curling iron. Small bumps in the road, but I am sure a bit annoying none the less.  Their first adventure on their trip is to visit the Forbidden City today. The weather there is roughly the same that we are experiencing here, with the high reaching about 68 degrees. They are hoping that once they meet up with their guide they will be able to figure out how they can gain internet access themselves.  They are excited for their adventures today and will try to find ways to still keep everyone here at home posted as to their adventures!

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